Cylinder principle

The cylinder principle is defined as the space within an imaginary cylinder occupied by a player on the floor. It includes the space above the player and is limited to:

• The front by the palms of the hands,

• The rear by the buttocks, and

The sides by the outside edge of the arms and legs.

The hands and arms may be extended in front of the torso no further than the position of the feet, with the arms bent at the elbows so that the forearms and hands are raised. The distance between his feet will vary according to his height.





Charging is illegal personal contact, with or without the ball, by pushing or moving into an opponent’s torso.

Blocking is illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball.

A player who is attempting to screen is committing a blocking foul if contact occurs when he is moving and his opponent is stationary or retreating from him.

If a player disregards the ball, faces an opponent and shifts his position as the opponent shifts, he is primarily responsible for any contact that occurs, unless other factors are involved.

The expression 'unless other factors are involved' refers to deliberate pushing, charging or holding of the player who is being screened.

It is legal for a player to extend his arm(s) or elbow(s) outside of his cylinder in taking position on the floor but they must be moved inside his cylinder when an opponent attempts to go by. If the arm(s) or elbow(s) are outside his cylinder and contact occurs, it is blocking or holding.

Double Foul

A double foul is a situation in which two opponents commit personal fouls against each other at approximately the same time.

Illegal use hand(s)


Illegal use of the hand(s) or extended arm(s) occurs when the defensive player is in a guarding position and his hand(s) or arm(s) is placed upon and remains in contact with an opponent with or without the ball.


Holding is illegal personal contact with an opponent that interferes with his freedom of movement. This contact (holding) can occur with any part of the body.




Travelling is the illegal movement of one or both feet beyond the limits outlined in this article, in any direction, while holding a live ball on the playing court.



An unsportsmanlike foul is a player contact foul which, in the judgement of the official, is not a legitimate attempt to directly play the ball within the spirit and intent of the rules.

To judge whether a foul is unsportsmanlike, the officials should apply the following principles:

• If a player is making no effort to play the ball and contact occurs, it is an unsportsmanlike foul.

• If a player, in an effort to play the ball, causes excessive contact (hard foul), then the contact shall be judged to be unsportsmanlike.

• If a player commits a foul while making a legitimate effort to play the ball (normal play), it is not an unsportsmanlike foul.


A disqualifying foul is any flagrantly unsportsmanlike action of a player, substitute, excluded player, coach, assistant coach or team follower.

A player shall also be disqualified when he is charged with two (2) unsportsmanlike fouls.


FIBA Rules 33.4 - 球證判罰帶波撞人/阻人前進的定義


1. 防守球員必須先佔據合法防守位置(Legal Guarding Position)(即首先到達某一位置(First),面對持球進攻者(Face),並雙腳必須站在地上(Feet)。)

2.  防守球員可企定,直線向上跳,向橫移或向後移以維持合法防守位置。

3.  當防守球員需要移動來維持合法防守位置,一隻甚至乎雙腳是可以離開地面,只要移動的方向是向橫、向後,而不是向前便可。

4. 如果防守者首先到達該位置,而持球進攻者與防守者發生碰撞,而該碰撞必須是在心口。

5. 當防守球員佔據了合法防守位置,他/她可以在自己的圓柱體內轉身以減輕撞擊力或避免受傷。

根據得益規條(Principle of advantage and disadvantage),只要持球進攻者把合法防守的防守者在撞至不能防守時,球証便會吹罰帶波撞人,並不是非要把防守者撞至跌在地上才會被判罰的。 而阻人前進也是一樣。只要防守者不是在合法防守的位置而與持球進攻者發生碰撞且該碰撞導致持球進攻者不能進攻,則防守者會被判罰阻人前進,而非在丟了球的 情況下才會吹罰。

但在射球狀態(Act of shooting)時,得益條例並不生效,即持球進攻者在射球、上籃、補籃或入樽時,非法防守的球員只要與其發生碰撞時,不論撞擊是否影響持球進攻者,一律會被判罰。 


Q: 故意插水會被判罰嗎?

A: 會, 根據 Articles 38.3.1 (Technical Foul):

Point 7 Falling down to fake a foul


Q: FIBA在2008年10月1宣佈的新球例包括了什麽?


1. 球員不可再在比賽穿的球衣內穿上任何類型的T-SHIRT.



4. 當一名球員在他的前場跳起,在空中接球去獲得一個新的控球權,並在他的後場著地, 這情況不作球回後場違例.

5. 球員用手由下向上穿過球籃觸及球,這是防礙球中籃(而不是普通違例), 並適用於有關防礙球中籃的規則和情況.

6. 當一名防守球員從後或橫向移動與對隊球員發生接觸,試圖阻止快攻球隊, 同時在進攻球員與敵籃之間並沒有對隊球員, 此接觸應判作違反運動道德犯規(UNSPORTSMANLIKE FOUL)。

7. 球員過度擺肘(開「睜」)(沒有身體接觸),可被判技術犯規(TECHNICAL FOUL)






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